How to install Bluestacks and play Android games on your computer. Installing and configuring BlueStacks for Windows Bluestacks cannot be installed on a Windows 7 computer

Jan 31, 2018 12:25

Although BlueStacks is constantly improving, there are no perfect programs in the world. From time to time, users of even the best Android emulator encounter problems that prevent them from playing games, running or testing programs. Let's look at the most common reasons why BlueStacks crashes or doesn't work at all.

Typically, users face four problems when using the BlueStacks Android emulator. Either the program simply does not install, or for some reason it refuses to start, or the Internet does not work, or applications are not installed (or do not work). Let's consider each of the cases in more detail.

Case 1: The emulator does not install

What to do if BlueStacks does not install? The following steps will help:

  • Check your system configuration. If it does not meet the minimum requirements of the latest version, you will have to use another computer. An easier option is to install an older edition of BlueStacks.
  • Re-download the installation file from the official website - . Check that it is fully pumped.
  • Close other programs during installation.

Case 2: Startup problems

Let's say the installation was completed correctly, but BlueStacks still won't start. In this case, you can try the following steps:

This action should also help if error code 2 occurs in BlueStacks. We recommend that you check that the program is working immediately after downloading.

Remember how many times you wanted to run your favorite game from your phone on your computer, but you couldn’t because your personal computer doesn’t support games developed for Android. Now all this has become possible thanks to one program called BlueStacks.

This is a small emulator application for the Android platform for personal computers. All you need is to simply install this program, and you will be able to run all Android applications on your computer.

The BlueStacks program is simply a necessary tool on your personal computer that will allow you to enjoy the full variety of games from Google Play.

Let's move from theory to practice and talk about how to install and run this program on a computer.

How to install BlueStacks on your computer correctly

Installing the BlueStacks program is no different from installing other applications, but let's take a closer look so that there are no difficulties.

After we have the program installed, we need to install the game. This process is quite simple and now we will look at 2 ways to install applications from Google Play on your computer. In addition, with the second method we will learn how to install programs without registering an account with Google.

Installing a game on BlueStacks using the built-in Google Play

To successfully install the game, we will need to use the search tools, which is located in the upper left corner of the screen. So let's get started:

This is how simple and easy it is to install an Android game on your computer.

Now let's look at the second method, in which you do not need to register an account with Google.

Installing a game on BlueStacks using APK Downloader

There are various reasons why users do not want to create an account with Google and register their data there, which is why we will use the APK Downloader service.

Now you know two ways to install applications from Google Play on your computer, and it’s up to you to decide which one to use.

What to do if you couldn't install BlueStacks

During the installation process of the program, you may encounter some difficulties and problems, but do not panic, since almost all of them are easily solved. The most common problem that arises when using BlueStacks is the problem with its installation. Let's figure out why this happens and how to solve this problem.

The main reasons why BlueStacks refuses to install on your computer:

  1. You have an old version of the operating system installed. Currently the program only supports Windows 7, but work is underway to support other operating system models.
  2. Your Internet connection is disabled. The program will be installed successfully only if there is access to the Internet, since it automatically registers the access key on its servers.
  3. You have a weak video card. Quite often, when you try to install a program, you can see the entry “Error 25000” - this means that your video card simply does not work.
  4. You do not have enough RAM on your computer. The program is very resource-intensive and 1 Gb of RAM will not be enough to install it. It should be remembered that even if you close the program, BlueStacks will still “load” memory, since it is necessary to stop the emulation, since only then you will completely exit the program.
  5. Antivirus problem. Quite often, antivirus programs can block the installation process, and an error will constantly appear on the screen. Before installation, it is recommended to temporarily disable protection or add BlueStacks to the sandbox.

If BlueStacks is not installed, then with a 90% probability you have the cases described above. Eliminate each option and you will find a solution to your problem.

In conclusion, I note that BlueStacks was specifically developed for Windows and if you install it, then it “feels” quite complete and easy and allows you to run almost all applications developed for the Android platform on your personal computer.

There are several errors due to which BlueStacks won't install to a computer, the most common of them are described later in the article.

BlueStacks is a platform through which it is possible to run applications, including various installed games, which are written specifically for the Android operating system - on laptops, desktop computers, and tablets. That is, BlueStacks is a special emulator program that uses LayerCake technology. This technology provides the correct environment needed to run ARM Android applications on your computer.

What to do if BlueStacks does not install

The main problems that may arise when installing BlueStacks on a computer.

In order to successfully install this program on your computer, you need to know a few basic and simple rules. Now we will talk about the main reasons why BlueStacks may not install on your computer.

An old version of Windows is installed on the computer. It should be noted that today BlueStacks only works with Windows 7. However, the creators of BlueStacks are now working on versions of their program for Vista, Windows XP and OS X.

You do not have access to the Internet. This system is installed only if there is Internet access, and after installation you will need to register on the server. When registering, the service will ask you for your email address and give you a PIN code, which is needed to access your account. This code should be remembered.

BlueStacks places quite high demands on your computer's video card. As Linux, this product will not work with any non-standard hardware. Often, when installing the BlueStacks program, you may receive an error 25000 indicating that the video card is not suitable and you are prompted to update the drivers. The reason, most likely, is that the video card on your computer simply “does not support” this emulator.

Insufficient PC RAM. In general, it can be noted that this emulator is also demanding on the amount of RAM. Therefore, if errors occur during installation, you need to check whether you have enough RAM on your computer for installation. After closing programs, it does not free up memory that was occupied by these programs. That is, after finishing working with BlueStacks, you need to stop the emulation and then exit this program.

If you do not have BlueStacks installed, then 90% of all program errors are described above. As already noted, this program works fine only with stable Internet access. Otherwise, the results of working with various Android applications will not be saved.

In conclusion, we note that once you install the BlueStacks program on your personal computer, you can then easily launch almost all applications that are developed directly for Android. This program was developed specifically for desktop operating systems of the Windows family, so it looks very neat and familiar here. The program has been translated into many languages ​​for the convenience of users, including translation into Russian. BlueStacks is a whole comprehensive package that, once installed, provides quite a lot of excellent features for working with various Android applications on personal computers.

When trying to install an Android OS emulator called “BlueStacks 2”, the user may encounter the message “BlueStacks is already installed on this machine”, after which this program stops installing. The user tries to start all over again, receives the same error, and then begins to wonder about the reasons for what happened. In this article, I will help such users and tell you what “BlueStacks is already installed on this machine” is, what are the reasons for its appearance, and how to fix this error on your PC.

Message "BlueStacks is already installed on this machine"

What does "BlueStacks is already installed on this machine" mean?

The phrase is translated from English as "BlueStacks is already installed on this machine". This usually corresponds to a situation where a user tries to install an emulator on his computer, but during installation, the specified program records that the BlueStacks version is already installed on the PC. After this, the installation of the program stops, and the user receives the mentioned message.

Why is this happening? The reasons for this may be the following:

How to fix the “BlueStacks is already installed on this machine” error

If you are unable to install Bluestacks and you are faced with the already mentioned message, then follow these steps.

Alternative way to solve the problem

If the above method does not help resolve the “BlueStacks is already installed on this machine” error, do the following:

  1. Go to standard uninstall programs (or click on the “Start” button, enter appwiz.cpl in the search bar and press enter);
  2. Find the “BlueStack Notification Center” and “BlueStack App Player” programs there and uninstall them;
  3. Mechanically delete the folders C:\Program Files\BlueStacks, C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks and
    C:\ProgramData\BlueStacksSetup (the last two folders may be hidden, enable the display of hidden files in your explorer or file manager);

In addition, programs for correcting system registry errors (CCleaner, RegCleaner, etc.), as well as special tools for removing programs (for example, “RevoUninstaller”) can help.


If you encounter the “BlueStacks is already installed on this machine” dysfunction, then uninstall the previous version of the program (or its traces) using the methods I described above, and then install the new version of the product. These methods have proven their effectiveness; they will help you effectively get rid of the “BlueStacks is already installed on this machine” error on your PC

When installing various programs, failures may occur, making it impossible to continue the operation. Often in such situations, an error text is displayed on the screen, which explains the reason. This article will talk about problems when installing the BlueStacks emulator, or more precisely, about the error “BlueStacks is already installed on this machine,” which translates as “BlueStacks is already installed on this machine.

BlueStacks error “The latest version is already installed”

First, you should tell about the error itself and the reasons for its occurrence, and only then give detailed instructions for eliminating it.

So, from the text of the error message you can understand that the installation process is interrupted due to the presence of an installed program on the computer. In this case, you just need to uninstall the program and re-run the installation file. However, the problem can occur even on computers that do not have BlueStacks. What to do in this case?

First, let's look at the possible causes of problems, and they could be the following:

  1. Incorrect removal of the previous version of the application. The most common reason is this. It consists in the fact that users uninstall programs through the File Explorer file manager, not deleting all files from the computer and without cleaning the registry.
  2. Availability of an installed version of the program. Perhaps the user simply forgot that BlueStacks was already installed on the computer and is trying to install it again.
  3. There are entries left in the system registry. Sometimes the error is caused by residual entries that were not removed from the registry. This happens extremely rarely, but failures may still occur when uninstalling an old version of the emulator.

How to fix the “BlueStacks is already installed” error

Despite the variety of reasons for the problem, the instructions for eliminating it are universal. To ensure that your next attempt to install BlueStacks is successful, first follow these steps:

  1. Restart your computer.
  2. After booting to the desktop, press the Win+R key combination.
  3. In the Run window that appears, enter the command “%temp%” and press Enter.
  4. In the folder that opens, select all the files and delete them by pressing the Delete key.
  5. Download and install the uninstallation tool on your computer.
  6. Use it to remove BlueStacks.
  7. Restart your computer.
  8. Try installing the program again.

After this, during installation the error “BlueStacks is already installed” should not appear, since all residual files on the computer have been deleted.

Alternative way to solve the problem

Often the previous method of fixing the problem helps, however, if this does not happen and the error still appears, then you can take alternative solutions, for example, uninstalling through “Programs and Features”:

  1. Enter the Start menu.
  2. Open All Apps.
  3. Find the "Standard" folder in the list.
  4. From the list, select "Control Panel".
  5. In the window that opens, launch the Programs and Features utility.
  6. In the list of all applications installed on your computer, find BlueStacks.
  7. Right-click on the emulator and select “Uninstall”.

After this, a program will open to remove the application from your computer. Follow all instructions to complete this operation.

You can also try to clean the disk of residual program files yourself. They are located in three different directories:

  • C:\Program Files\BlueStacks;
  • C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks;
  • C:\ProgramData\BlueStacksSetup/

If after performing the above steps the error does not disappear, then you will need to manually clear the system registry of emulator entries:

  1. Press Win+R.
  2. In the window that appears, run the “regedit” command.
  3. Go to the "BLUESTACKS" directory, which is located at the following path: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE".
  4. Select all the entries in the right pane.
  5. Click the right mouse button.
  6. Select "Delete".

After this, all that remains is to restart the computer and try again to install the BlueStacks program. The error should disappear.